Thursday, February 12, 2009

My One True Constant

Today has been a crazy day, not so much busy as crazy. I had a difficult time focusing day; maybe it was the 2 and half hours sleep I got. I had to take a little Kicker Energy spay around noon because if not I probably would have zonked out on the couch! For the first time in forever, I'm calling it in early tonight, hopefully by 11. I can't really imagine what 8 hours of sleep will feel like. Last night I forced myself to sleep around 4:30 and back up at 7 to get the kids ready.
As I go about my days shuffling kids back and forth, here and there and working all the way in between, one thing remains constant. The day may change but my constant never does, and I just can't figure it out. Why in the heck can't my kids shut the bathroom door? I mean it's not that hard, really it's not. I'm not kidding. All day long I'm like a broken record, "Shut the bathroom door. Shut the bathroom door. 'Blank' Can you PLEASE shut the bathroom door? SHUT THE BATHROOM DOOR!!! Jeez how many times do I have to repeat myself!"

The day changes, the name changes but the darn door is always open, and the baby, well she's one and all over the house so not really a baby, loves to find the open door! We have 4 bathrooms in our house so this is a full time job to say the least. I try to stay on my post, but recently they caught me slippin'. Proof posted below! Notice the tinge of yellow in the bowl. Yuck!

And being the good mom that I am I ran to get my camera BEFORE swooping her up and rushing her to the tub!! This pic wasn't taken today, but like always we had some close calls.

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